6th Annual Pierogi Palooza!
Each year Broadview Multi-Care Facility at 5520 Broadview Road, hosts the Pierogi Palooza Festival and Contest. Here are some photos. ©2018 Parma Observer (Jim O'Bryan)
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Broadview Multi-Care Center, 5520 Broadview Road
Pierogi Palooza Number 6!
Isaac Lifshutz, director of Broadview Muti-Care Center
Isaac Lifshutz, director of Broadview Muti-Care Center
Place was packed all day.
University Hospital Parma Medical Center
Sophie's Italian Sausage WINNER! Best non-pierogi stand.
Line for Sue's Homemade Piergois
sponsor - Hospice of the Western Reserve
sponsor - Vista Springs Greenbriar
Killien, sits on Mom's (Christine) shoulder killing time on his iphone while waiting in line for Pierogis!
Perla Pierogis - WINNER People's Choice
Judges sit down for some serious judging. Parma Council President Sean Brennan, hands out water reminding all to swish between Pierogis.
Parma Council President Sean Brennan hard at work.
Parma Council President Sean Brennan
Parma Council President Sean Brennan
Parma Council President Sean Brennan, with Ethnic Gourmet - Winner Judges Choice, You can purchase their pierogis at any Heniens in thir prepared food section.
Sophie's Italian Sausage - Best non Pierogi food booth or truck.
Perla Pierogis - People's Choice
Ethnic Gourmet - Judge's Choice, Mira Hafit, and Matthew, Sue and Randy Grzybowski.
For all, thank you Parma, and Broadview Multi-Care, sponsors, and participants.