Mobile Food Pantry
The Parma Heights Branch of Cuyahoga County Public Library, partnering with The Greater Cleveland Food Bank, will offer a monthly Mobile Food Pantry distribution on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at the Parma Heights Branch Library, 6206 Pearl Road, on Wednesday, September 20th from 10:00 a.m. - 12 Noon for customers who are in need. Please visit or call the Parma Heights Branch Library at 440.884.2313 for additional information.
Please note: Outside event. Enter the Greenbrier Commons parking lot towards the Parma Heights Branch Library. Follow the Mobile Food Pantry signs and traffic pattern.
Bridget Lavelle
Branch Services Librarian Supervisor - Adult Services, who writes news releases/promotional publicity about upcoming library programs for adults at Parma Heights Branch Library of Cuyahoga County Public Library.