Still Standing With Ukraine
It was 1991 when Ukriane declared independence from the then crumbling Soviet Union. 32 years later Ukrainians everywhere are still celebrating that momentous decision. Here in Parma we are so very lucky to have Ukrainian Village, said to be the largest Ukrainian community in the US outside of Chicago. Their annual parade honoring Ukrainian Independence every August continues to grow larger and more spectacular every year. The weather was just about perfect for people in Parma to come out and enjoy the lengthy procession and show support for our Ukrainian residents who are extremely proud and also very concerned about what is happening half way around the world. in a land they hold dear to a people they cherish.
When Putin launched his barbaric war of aggression on the Ukrainian people in early 2022, no one was sure how long they could last against one of the largest war machines on the planet. Now it has become clear that Ukraine is resolved to emerge from this unwanted conflict intact, with their heads held high, despite the relentless attacks from an increasingly desperate dictator who has no sense of decency whatsoever. With the help of the United States and other committed countries, they have managed to hold off their giant aggressive neighbor, and in doing so have inspired the rest of the world to understand that the desire to be free and determine their fate should never be taken for granted by anyone. As for Parma, we have stood with Ukraine since day one, and will continue to do so based on the large outpouring of our people showing support at the parade this year.
Daniel P. McCarthy
I am the publisher of the Parma Observer. Lifetime resident of Parma for over 50 years.