Hometown Heroes....Thank A Veteran On Veterans Day
On Saturday November 11th we celebrate Veterans Day as a recognition and tribute to all service men and women who have sacrificed so much, were willing to, or have given their lives to defend our country. The difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day is that Memorial Day is a somber day in which we honor and pay tribute to those servicemen and women who gave their lives in the defense of our country, on Veterans Day we celebrate and honor “all” Veterans past and present. This is a day that we must also remember and honor the families of the men and women who served and especially the Gold Star families that has lost an immediate family member in the line of duty of military service.
Veterans Day was originally called “Armistice Day.” Originally on November 11, 1919, it was the first anniversary of the end of World War I and was originally established to honor veterans of World War I, but now it extends to all veterans. The first celebration using the term Veterans Day occurred in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1947. Raymond Weeks, a World War II veteran, organized "National Veterans Day," which included a parade and other festivities, to honor all veterans. The event was held on November 11, then designated Armistice Day. Later, U.S. Representative Edward Rees of Kansas proposed a bill that would change Armistice Day to Veterans Day. In 1954, Congress passed the bill that President Eisenhower signed proclaiming November 11 as Veterans Day.
In 1968, the Uniform Holidays Bill was passed by Congress, which moved the celebration of Veterans Day to the fourth Monday in October. The law went into effect in 1971, but in 1975 President Ford returned Veterans Day to November 11, due to the important historical significance of the date. Every year on Veterans Day, at exactly 11 a.m., a wreath-laying ceremony is held at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery.
According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, there are over twenty-three million war veterans living in the United States. Veterans over the age of sixty-five number 9.2 million, while 1.9 million are under the age of thirty-five, Female veterans’ number 1.8 million, those who served during the Vietnam War era (1964-1975) number 7.8 million, which is 33 percent of all living veterans. Veterans who served during the Gulf War (standing for service from Aug. 2, 1990, to present) number 5.2 million. Veterans who served during World War II (1941-1945) number 2.6 million. Veterans who served during the Korean War (1950-1953) number 2.8 million. Six million veterans served in peacetime.
Veterans Day is all about honoring those who served. If you see one, thank one. They probably don’t hear it enough, and Veterans Day is the perfect opportunity to express your gratitude
The Parma Area Senior Veterans Meetup Group will be holding a special “Veterans Day Tribute Event” on Wednesday November 8th at the Donna Smallwood Activity Center in Parma. Lunch Buffet, Live entertainment by Nashville recording artist Harry James “The Italian Cowboy,” special guests Mayor Timothy DeGeeter and WEWS News Anchor Rob Powers. Door prizes, Raffles and 50/50’s.
Reservations required. For info and seating availability call: Tony Kessler at 440-263-0507
Tony Kessler
Founder and Administrator of Parma Area Senior Veterans
Past Commander of American Legion Post 572 in Parma Ohio
Executive Board Member of "We are Parma Proud"