Live Streaming Of Parma City Council Meetings
Earlier this year during the Parma City Council budget meetings I suggested allocating money to upgrade the sound/audio system of the Parma City Council Chamber. I also suggested adding cameras to the Chamber to allow for the streaming of Parma City Council Committees and Meetings. The rest of Parma City Council agreed and approved the funding. Working with our Clerk of Council Kristin Saban and the rest of the council office we evaluated what we needed. After recording several test meetings, October 16th was the first live streamed Parma City Council Committee and Meeting. The link to the Parma City Council recorded meetings can be found at under the Quick Links. Council meetings are usually the first and third Mondays of the month unless there is a holiday on Monday then they will be on Tuesday. The exception is the next council meeting which is Wednesday November 8th. Committees start at 6pm and the Council Meeting is scheduled to start at 6:30pm. Thank you to my fellow Councilmen and Councilwomen for your support in the upgrades to the Parma City Council Chambers and for the streaming of meetings.
Kevin Kussmaul
Parma City Councilman Ward 6