Nathan Hale Park Officially Reopened
In less than 13 months from the original groundbreaking, Nathan Hale Park officially reopened on Wednesday, April 17 with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
The Nathan Hale Retention Basin has been six years in the making. The project is part of the Master Plan created by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District to direct the storm water to the basin and help alleviate basement flooding for residents.
Nathan Hale Park features a six-acre retention basin, a walking path, gazebo, soccer fields, a children’s play area, pavilion and updated restrooms. The basin has been sized to provide storage for 11 million gallons of stormwater designed to be slowly released back into the city’s storm system over an extended period of time. This project is part of a Master Plan created by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District to help alleviate basement flooding for residents.
Special thanks to guests City of Parma Mayor DeGeeter, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District Chief Executive Officer Kyle Dreyfuss-Wells, Congressman Max Miller, former County Councilman Scott Tuma, Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne, State Representative Sean Brennan for Ohio and Parma Heights City Council.
With Nathan Hale Park open, be sure to follow the City of Parma Heights Recreation pages, as they will post upcoming recreation sports , like soccer, programs and events and even concerts.
Enjoy the park!
Parma Heights – Community Grows Here.
Marie Gallo
Marie Gallo is the Mayor of Parma Heights