What Is Memorial Day Celebrated For?

Memorial Day honors those who lost their lives while defending the United States of America. The Holiday is observed on the last Monday of May, a time of year when weather is turning warmer and schools and Universities are adjourning for summer break. To Americans, Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial beginning of summer. Many people attend Parades, go to the beach or have cook-outs with friends and family.

But at its heart, Memorial day is a day when Americans reflect on the sacrifice of those who have given their lives in Military service.

On May 21, 2022, my best friend and I were invited to go to Washington DC as guests of HONOR FLIGHT CLEVELAND along with 26 other Vietnam Veterans. The most heart moving sight for me was at our last stop before returning to Cleveland when we visited Arlington National Cemetery. Along those rolling hill sides was in excess of 400,000 white cross markers of Americans that served in the U.S. Military.

The Total number of Americans that have been killed in all Wars is more than 1.1 Million. Think about what this means to you personally.

Robert Stilwell

Retired Mfg Supervisor

Member of the Parma Heights Historical Society

Volunteer for Cypress Hospice

Member of the Parma Area Senior Veterans Group

Also involved in many other Veteran Organizations

Volume 16, Issue 6, Posted 12:41 PM, 05.10.2024