Polish Village Flower Pots

While driving through the Polish Village section of Parma you’re sure to spot the beautiful flower pots on Ridge and Pearl Roads. The pots are a part of a beautification program that began a few years ago called Adopt-A-Pot. Local residents, businesses, and churches along with volunteers from the non-profit Polish Village Parma, Inc., and Councilwoman Debbie Lime, plant the flowers, weed, and water them. Kudos to all those volunteers who work so diligently to better our community and make it a great place to live.
In addition to Adopt-A-Pot, Polish Village Parma offers residents lots of great fun family events throughout the year. There’s the Polish Constitution Day Parade and Party, Treat & Greet, Annual Ward 2 Garage Sale, holiday decorations, trash crawls, fundraisers, and added this year, the Ward 2 & 8 Block Party. Polish Village Parma also maintains the pocket park on Ridge Road, near Gilbert Avenue, green space in the center of the business community. Events such as these bring the community together, and add enjoyment to life.
Interested in volunteering? Meet your neighbors, have fun, make a difference in your community. Choose one or all of the events listed above. Contact Polish Village Parma through their Facebook for information.
Kathryn Mabin
Board Secretary of Parma Area Fine Arts Council, Inc, or PAFAC, and Artist/Jewlery Designer, Owner Aire of Oppulence.