Advancing Ohio’s Agricultural Priorities

In Ohio, agriculture provides 1 out of every 7 jobs, making it one of the state’s biggest economic drivers. As a member of the House Agriculture Committee, I have been working to support our agriculture industry and consumers who rely on our farmers and producers for affordable food.
Earlier this year the committee advanced the Farm Bill, which sets federal policies for the Department of Agriculture. After working with key stakeholders in our region, I am proud that many priorities important to Northeast Ohio were included in the bill. Critical issues like strengthening the farm safety net to ensure a safe and affordable food supply, promoting crop insurance and risk management tools, rural economic development, and expanding trade markets were all included in the bill.
This would not have been possible without the help of my Agriculture Advisory Council, made up of local stakeholders in Northeast Ohio. I am just a city boy who grew up in Cleveland, and believe it or not, I am not an expert on agriculture policy. When I got to Washington, I put together a team of experts including farmers, ranchers, and producers from the district, and also Bob Gibbs, a farmer and former member of Congress who represented much of the same area that I do now. The input from local leaders is truly invaluable, and I thank them for their support.
While the Senate has yet to come forward with its version of the Farm Bill, I’m grateful for Chairman Glenn Thompson’s leadership in bringing this bill forward with broad input from members of the committee and stakeholders, and for my colleagues who have worked together to make sure that this is a strong bill for Ohio and for our nation.
The Farm Bill advanced by the committee also includes major provisions of my Farm to Fly Act, which will foster the development of sustainable aviation fuels and help to expand markets for Ohio farmers, strengthen our energy resources, and make our rural economies stronger. The Training and Nutrition Stability Act, which will incentivize people who are eligible for SNAP benefits to take advantage of workforce training programs, was also included in the bill.
In Ohio, agriculture is the backbone of our economy, and I will continue to advocate for commonsense policies that work for everyone and make our communities better places to live, work, and grow.
I deeply value the trust placed in me by the residents of Northeast Ohio. If you want to learn more about my work, please don't hesitate to reach out to my office at (330) 661-6654 or visit my website at My team and I are here to help.
Max Miller
Congressman Max Miller is serving in his first term as the United States Representative for Ohio’s Seventh Congressional District.
Growing up in Northeast Ohio, Miller learned the value of hard work and the importance of the trades. The Congressman is committed to building up the next generation of Americans by prioritizing career and technical education programs as an alternative to a traditional 4-year degree.
Miller was elected by his fellow freshman Republican members to serve on the Steering Committee, which assigns committee membership for members of the Republican conference.
Miller sits on the House Committee on Science, Space & Technology. He serves as the Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Environment. He also serves on the Subcommittee on Energy and the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight. The Congressman is committed to supporting the NASA Glenn Research Center and ensuring Americans continue to benefit from cutting-edge scientific and technological advancements.
Miller also serves on the House Agriculture Committee. He sits on the Subcommittee on Nutrition, Foreign Agriculture, and Horticulture and the Subcommittee on Commodity Markets, Digital Assets, and Rural Development. Along with his agriculture advisory council, Miller works to put forward common-sense policies that are good for our agribusiness industry and consumers.
As one of only two Jewish Republicans in Congress, Congressman Miller is a loud voice in calling out antisemitism and hate on college campuses and across the country.
Miller served as a senior advisor to President Donald Trump and spent six years in the Marine Corps Reserves. He, his wife Emily, and their baby daughter Ruth live in Rocky River.