Friends Of Parma Heights Library Ongoing Holiday Sale –Adult Fiction Hardback Books
Looking for the perfect holiday gift? Shop at the library! The Friends of Parma Heights Library will have an ongoing Holiday Sale – Adult Fiction Books with special pricing at $.25 per book this month through January 7th, 2025. New inventory weekly for a great selection of recent bestsellers and old favorites of Adult Fiction Hardback books! Visit the Parma Heights Library located at 6206 Pearl Road, Parma Heights, OH 44130 in the Greenbrier Commons during library hours. Proceeds from Holiday Sale support library programming at the Parma Heights Library. For additional information about this Holiday Sale or interested in joining The Friends of Parma Heights Library, please call the Parma Heights Branch Library at 440.884.2313.
Bridget Lavelle
Branch Services Librarian Supervisor - Adult Services, who writes news releases/promotional publicity about upcoming library programs for adults at Parma Heights Branch Library of Cuyahoga County Public Library.