The Representative's Corner

State Representative Sean Patrick Brennan meeting with Vikki McNeeley and Cindy Lang at Café Blanc in Parma Heights. The ladies are constituents of his who reached out to his office and were very pleased
with the level of service they received.

If you are a reader of my monthly column, which I take pride in writing myself each month, you are well-aware of my legislative achievements in just my first 23 months as your state lawmaker.

This month I would like to talk about my other priority as your state representative: constituent services. Constituent services means that when a resident whom I represent contacts my office about state-related issues, my office is happy to assist with seeking a solution.

I learned customer service skills working at Ponderosa as a teenager, as a bartender, at Blockbuster Video, and the Cuyahoga County Public Library as a college student, and as a flight attendant right after college.

Some of things folks contact me about most include state benefits such as Medicaid, Job and Family Services and Bureau of Unemployment issues, and state law questions, among a myriad of other things.

My staff and I take our work very seriously and always strive to exhibit empathy for those who contact us. In fact, that is the number one quality I look for when seeking someone to work in the office.

Here are a couple of recent testimonials from residents who contacted my office:

“I've known Sean as a councilman in Parma for years, but got to work with him as my state representative while facing Ohio’s unemployment system. Compassion, respect, and diligence are words that come to mind to describe Sean and his whole staff.” - Cindy Lang (Parma)

“Sean not only champions in Columbus the issues his constituents care about, he also connects to them on a personal level. He helped my mother with some property issues she had when nobody else would listen. After she passed, Sean personally came to my home to offer his condolences. He, McKenna, and his entire staff have been invaluable to me.” - Vikki McNeeley (Parma Heights)

As always, if my office may ever be of service, please contact us at 614-466-3485 or I also invite you to visit my website to learn more about how I am serving you and to sign up for this monthly newsletter at You can also read all of my past newsletters going back to January, 2023, at my website. I am continually honored to serve you!

Sean Patrick Brennan

Sean Patrick Brennan

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Volume 16, Issue 12, Posted 11:30 AM, 12.01.2024