6th Annual Leprechaun Chase Saturday March 8, 2025!

Want to help a local charity PLUS have a great time?  The Leprechaun Chase at Gunselman's Tavern on Saturday March 8, 2025 is the answer to both questions! Race starts and ends at Fairview High School track, 4507 W 213th St, Fairview Park, OH 44126. Two race options available: 1 mile or 5k. All ages and skill levels are welcome to join the festivities with proceeds benefiting Empowering Epilepsy. Race starts at 9 am with after party to be held right across the street at Gunselman's Tavern, 21490 Lorain Rd, Fairview Park, OH 44126. Live Irish Music all day long, plus great food and drinks.

What if you are not a runner? Walking is fine too! Registration is open NOW!

Tickets available at https://www.empoweringepilepsy.org/leprechaun-chase. All participants will receive a custom t-shirt, plus awards to top finishers in each age group.

Empowering epilepsy was founded in Cleveland, Ohio in 2014. A plethora of family friendly activities are held all year long for those living with epilepsy and their families. Please visit empoweringepilepsy.org to find out more about all the beneficial programs offered and upcoming events for 2024. Help change the conversation!

Christin Sorensen

I have been a resident of Parma for the past decade, residing in Polish Village. I love my eclectic community rich with unique shopping and restaurants.

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Volume 17, Issue 2, Posted 9:52 PM, 01.31.2025