Computer Basics
The Parma Heights Branch of Cuyahoga County Public Library will present Computer Basics on Monday, February 17th, 2025 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Meeting Room A. Learn the basics about computing devices—hardware, mouse, keyboard and navigating—with hands-on practice following the library staff demonstration. Computer settings, file management and mobile devices will also be discussed. This Computer Basics class will be taught using library laptops. Class starts promptly. Registration required. Attendees must be Adults aged 18 years and older. To register, please visit or call the Parma Heights Branch at 440.884.2313.
Bridget Lavelle
Branch Services Librarian Supervisor - Adult Services, who writes news releases/promotional publicity about upcoming library programs for adults at Parma Heights Branch Library of Cuyahoga County Public Library.