Valley Forge Craft Show Returns

Saturday March 15th marks the 26th Spring Craft Fair at Valley Forge High School.

Each spring the Cross Country and Swim teams host this annual event; the primary fundraiser for both teams.All proceeds are then funneled to support the athletes in their conditioning and training endeavors.

For Cross Country runners, the biggest investment is shoes. A cheap pair of shoes will wear down quickly and can result in injury, including hip, knee, back, and foot problems. These athletes run well over 350 miles each season; any injury that takes them off the course affects their ability to compete.

Every August, a shoe fitting is coordinated at a local running store. There, athletes are measured and fitted for a proper running shoe. Funds raised at this Craft Fair are used to offset the cost by giving each runner a stipend to apply towards the purchase of new shoes. This allows the athletes to affordably obtain the high quality shoes required for their rigorous training regime.

The Swim Team is typically composed of athletes fairly new to the sport. Of these, many have never swam competitively, making training a more complicated and challenging task, but it is a challenge they willingly take head on! 

Every day school is open, these swimmers are in the pool, but swimming is a much more technical sport and utilizing specialized equipment greatly benefits their ability to effectively train. Funds raised will go directly towards the purchase of fins, cords, and paddles which are necessary to help our swimmers improve their technical skills. 

Wearing fins while training can improve a swimmers' kick and stroke technique, ankle flexibility, and endurance. Stretch cord training enhances swim-specific strength, conditions specific muscle groups, and mimics swim movements while paddles develop power, speed, efficiency, and build muscle. 

Due to constant use and exposure to harsh chemicals, these items must be replaced on a regular schedule. Funds raised will allow proper maintenance and replacement of training equipment.

The student athletes will be manning concessions, helping vendors set up, assisting in take down, and moving equipment, as well as taking food orders and making deliveries to tables. These tasks help the students gain interpersonal communication and social skills that will benefit them now and in their future endeavors. 

If you are interested in reserving a table, or for more information please visit or email 

jodi moriarty

Lifelong Parma resident, PSH graduate, and VFHS parent volunteer

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Volume 17, Issue 2, Posted 9:52 PM, 01.31.2025