Seven Hills
by Kathy Holland
Holiday Cheer in Seven Hills is just around the corner! Help us kick start the holiday season with friends and neighbors Saturday, December 7, 2024. The fun begins at 10:30 a.m. when the parade travels from the Moose Lodge 7010 Broadview Road, south down Broadview Road, turns east on Hillside Road, and ends at 7325 Summitview Drive, City Hall.
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Volume 16, Issue 12, Posted 11:30 AM, 12.01.2024
by Tony Biasiotta
As always, I want to encourage everyone to vote in this general election. Your vote helps us ensure we are represented at our greatest potential. Please be sure to complete an absentee ballot or vote in person on November 5th. The ability to work with multiple government agencies continues to be a source of pride among my team. I think our success in these endeavors is a testament of our team not settling for the status quo or resting on any laurels. Recently, as part of the State of Ohio one-time infrastructure bill (HB 2) we were awarded $500,000 of improvements to our fire station. The primary focus of the award will be to add proper living quarters and roof repairs to our station.
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Volume 16, Issue 10, Posted 10:44 AM, 10.01.2024
by Kathy Holland
The Seven Hills Farmers Market (SHFM) opens Thursday, July 11, 4:00- 7:00 PM and continues every Thursday through October 3, 2024 The SHFM has been dedicated to supporting local food systems increasing consumer access to fresh, healthy foods for our community. This approach has boosted marketing opportunities for the farmers and small businesses that make up the market. As a producers-only market, participation is for farmers who sell what they grow or raise on their farm, and for local producers and artisans who hand-craft their specialty products.
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Volume 16, Issue 7, Posted 7:28 AM, 07.01.2024
by Tony Biasiotta
Economic development is the engine the drives strong communities. While redevelopment often brings continued or increased income tax to the city it is in, redevelopment sometimes does not make as much of a difference to the entities driven by property tax, such as our schools, libraries, Metroparks and many county services. On the other hand, new development, on vacant land, can be both an engine for cities that are driven mainly on income tax and the entities noted above that are driven mainly by property tax.
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Volume 16, Issue 6, Posted 8:14 AM, 06.01.2024
by Kathy Holland
The Seven Hills Farmers Market (SHFM) opens Thursday, July 6, 4:00- 7:00 PM and continues every Thursday through September 28, 2023. This open-air, producers only market selling directly to consumers, features delicious local produce and artisan products. The market can be found at 7221 Broadview Road, Seven Hills, Ohio 44131, with free parking behind Fire Station #1.
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Volume 15, Issue 7, Posted 6:07 AM, 07.01.2023
by Tony Biasiotta
I cordially invite all of you to the Seven Hills Home Days! The three-day event which will span from July 21st to the 23rd at the Seven Hills municipal complex, is back this year and will be better than ever! You will be able to find everything from food and carnival rides to fireworks and nonstop music. Something to do for the whole family.
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Volume 15, Issue 7, Posted 6:07 AM, 07.01.2023
by Thomas Mulloy
A Seven Hills resident is among eight Birchwood School of Hawken students who earned regional writing recognition from the prestigious Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. All of the Birchwood winners are in the eighth grade.
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Volume 15, Issue 4, Posted 12:13 PM, 04.01.2023
by Tony Biasiotta
I want to share with you and uplifting story about a 13-year-old Seven Hills resident Shane Sadlowski. Shane is currently a 7th grader at St. Michael’s. From an early age, Shane has been very interested in the military. Ultimately, he would like to apply to a service academy after completing high school. Shane has also been focused on fulfilling his dreams of playing hockey. This year he decided to combine these two pursuits in honor of Men and Woman that serve or have served in our U.S. armed forces. His plan is to dedicate his hockey season their honor and raise funds for our local American Legion Post #572.
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Volume 15, Issue 4, Posted 12:13 PM, 04.01.2023
by Tony Biasiotta
First, I want to congratulate the Parma Observer on their 13th Anniversary issue. Next would like to the thank Parma Observer Publisher Daniel P. McCarthy for his article the 2022 Seven Hills Home Days. The picture he took for article was sadly the last photo ever taken of my father before his passing. I have so much to share about our parks and recreation improvements, but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t at least briefly touch upon the City of Seven Hills’ finances. The current financial situation remains strong. As of August YTD, financial statements, the General Fund Unexpended (Cash) Balance is $8.56 million, a particularly strong balance for a city of this size and revenue stream. The August YTD General Fund Revenue at $9.35 million outpaced General Fund Expenses of $7.93 million. We are currently forecasting to finish the year with a General Fund surplus. We will once again set aside / dedicate any surplus to the capital improvement fund where it will be applied to future projects such as the 2023 road program.
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Volume 14, Issue 10, Posted 8:06 AM, 10.01.2022
by Kathy Holland
The 2022 Seven Hills Farmers Market will open this season on Thursday, July 7, 2022, 4:00 – 7:00 PM. A weekly open-air market connecting local farmers and artisans who offer fresh produce, food items and products, to residents and neighbors in our community, the Market is located at 7221 Broadview Road, Seven Hills, Ohio (adjacent to Fire Station #1).
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Volume 14, Issue 8, Posted 9:47 AM, 07.05.2022
by Tony Biasiotta
Summer is in full swing and outdoor activities are ramping up throughout Seven Hills. One sign of summer is baseball. The Guardians are battling for first place in their division and all 5 City of Seven Hills ball fields are in daily use. We have witnessed such a resurgence of youth in our city that we changed our master plan and intend to bring back a 6th ball field for next season. Our parks and recreation team are doing a great job getting these fields ready for use. This same team recently assisted in the planting of 61 native trees at The Beverly Nature Preserve at North Park. This planting included 11 different types of trees. The preserve will officially open and be named during a July 8th ceremony at the site.
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Volume 14, Issue 7, Posted 6:19 PM, 07.02.2022
by Abigail McNaughton
Seventh grader Haadeya Salman from Birchwood School earned a Silver Award (Maxima Cum Laude) for her score on the 2022 National Latin Exam. Every year Latin students are invited to take the exam that tests students on their knowledge of Latin grammar and vocabulary as well as aspects of Roman culture such as history, architecture, and clothing. Salman and her classmates were coached by Catherine Haskins who said "I am very proud of my students and most especially of the effort they invested in preparing for the exam, since it results in a good deal of extra learning during the winter months.”
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Volume 14, Issue 5, Posted 3:05 AM, 05.02.2022
by Abigail McNaughton
On Saturday, March 6, Seven Hills local Olivia Kude and her partner Nathan Thomas took second in the "Rock Hound" category while her younger brother Nelson Kude and his partner Shivam Mahajan also placed second in the "Don't Bug Me" category of the 2022 Science Olympiad competition held at Case Western Reserve University. The siblings were on the Birchwood team, coached by Linda Brown, Michelle Bogden, Lauren Miller, Sam Miller, and Rana Bottino have been practicing since October 2021. This team composed of fourth through sixth-grade students faced off with many local schools and this event and met with great results.
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Volume 14, Issue 4, Posted 9:04 AM, 04.01.2022
by Tony Biasiotta
Before we get started on the topic of this month’s article, I want our Ukrainian community to know that I stand with them. I send my thoughts and prayers to the brave men and woman fighting for their freedom in the Ukraine. Further I urge our national leaders to take an even stronger stance against this unacceptable aggression.
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Volume 14, Issue 3, Posted 12:53 PM, 03.01.2022
by Bob Wrobel
I’m writing in support of Issue 55, which would adjust the Mayor of Seven Hills’ salary to $40,000 for the next mayoral term (beginning December 10, 2023, basically 2024). When I was on council, I was very involved in correcting many long-standing issues in the City of Seven Hills. One issue important to me that we did address was correcting the mayor’s salary, but for one reason or another it did not make the ballot.
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Volume 13, Issue 10, Posted 3:51 PM, 10.01.2021
by Kathy Holland
Better Together, celebrating 60 years as a city- the theme of Seven Hills 2021 Home Days encompasses what we have all learned over the past year, that we are nothing without our community and have been lucky to have ours for the past 60 years. The City of Seven Hills is excited to celebrate the community together with the renaissance of our Home Days taking place August 27th, 28th and 29th. After a year of uncertainty and 2020 Stay-At-Home-Days, this year will be a return to form for one of the cities most celebrated events. Refocusing his efforts to engage the community and bring residents together even more, Mayor Biasiotta looks to bring a small town feel to the city’s largest event. To do so, the City of Seven Hills has added a 3rd day to help continue old traditions, make new traditions, and reinvigorate some from the past. Its most iconic events include, a chicken wing eating competition, three days of live music, two days of fireworks and plenty of local food. Each event keeps the audience enthralled as members of the community come together and celebrate the accomplishments of the past. With the old comes the new such as, rides from Big O Amusement, Seven Hills very own WIXY1260 Online broadcasting live from the event, and various classes held at the city’s recreation building. Finally, a community favorite makes a triumphant return as the Adorable Baby Showcase is set to take place on August 29th. These new and old traditions are just a fragment of everything happening. There will be nonstop entertainment that brings together residents from all walks of life that truly showcase the meaning of community.
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Volume 13, Issue 8, Posted 9:38 AM, 08.01.2021
by Kristin Saban
Seven Hills Continues to Soar. It would be an understatement to say that the first 18 months of Mayor Biasiotta’s Administration was anything less than a whirlwind. While Covid 19 dominated the news cycle, the Mayor’s vision and plan for the continued growth of Seven Hills was still being realized. From economic development to a creative new plan for our parks and recreation, this administration has accomplished a great deal.
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Volume 13, Issue 7, Posted 8:44 AM, 07.01.2021
by Kathy Holland
The 2021 Seven Hills Farmers Market, sponsored by Taleris Credit Union, Inc. Vince Hrobat Insurance Agency, Inc. and United Healthcare, will open for its seventh season on Thursday, July 1st, 4:00 – 7:00 PM. A weekly open-air market featuring local farmers and artisans who offer fresh produce, food items and products, the Market is located at 7221 Broadview Road, Seven Hills, Ohio (adjacent to Fire Station #1).
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Volume 13, Issue 6, Posted 11:22 AM, 06.01.2021
by Tony Biasiotta
Over the last few months, I have shared with you updates on how Seven Hills has prepared to move forward after the COVID dominated year of 2020. Specifics were shared about our finances, streets, sewers, grant activity, the purchase of land for a future nature preserve, and how we are developing a master plan to upgrade all our parks. As promised, this article will focus on economic development, but first I want to share with you the big picture. The chart below illustrates the growth we have secured in the city's vital General Fund (GF) balances over the last few years. [insert graph]
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Volume 13, Issue 5, Posted 3:43 AM, 05.01.2021
by Tony Biasiotta
A little over a year ago my administration put together a Water Management Task Force. We felt that it was time to bring relevant people into one room to address, what in some cases, has been a decades long problem. This approach is consistent with how we have addressed important issues over the last few years; perform due diligence to identify the root issues and bring in subject matter experts to provide guidance.
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Volume 13, Issue 4, Posted 2:39 PM, 04.02.2021
by Tony Biasiotta
We are very excited to announce that The City of Seven Hills, together with Western Reserve Land Conservancy (WRLC), recently agreed to terms for the purchase of 20 acres of land currently owned by OSWIGI, Inc. adjacent to the City’s North Park off Rockside Road. The proposed preserve area contains 20 acres of meadow habitat with forested patches and 1,900 linear feet of West Creek headwater tributaries.
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Volume 13, Issue 4, Posted 11:58 AM, 04.02.2021
by Tony Biasiotta
We are very excited to announce that The City of Seven Hills, together with Western Reserve Land Conservancy (WRLC), recently agreed to terms for the purchase of 20 acres of land currently owned by OSWIGI, Inc. adjacent to the City’s North Park off Rockside Road. The proposed preserve area contains 20 acres of meadow habitat with forested patches and 1,900 linear feet of West Creek headwater tributaries.
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Volume 13, Issue 4, Posted 11:58 AM, 04.02.2021
by Tony Biasiotta
As we enter the month of March one can’t help but reflect on the last 12 months. March 2020 was the time COVID became front and center of our daily lives and the beginning of a long chain events that have been very trying on all of us. Heading into spring I hope the healing process soon begins on all fronts. After witnessing our community come together so many times, in spite of so many challenges, I have no doubt this will once again be the case.
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Volume 13, Issue 3, Posted 11:43 AM, 03.01.2021
by Tony Terry
It has been one year since the first cases of COVID-19 in the United States. Since then, we all have had to make extreme changes in our lives. As vaccinations are beginning to be administered, we are very hopeful that we are turning the corner and moving closer to life as we once knew it to be.
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Volume 13, Issue 2, Posted 8:53 AM, 02.01.2021
by Spencer Abbott
As we welcome in the New Year, we at the Seven Hills Recreation Center hope to bring in a happier and healthier year. We look forward to bringing the community back to our community recreation center. If your goals align with ours please see all that we have to offer.
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Volume 13, Issue 1, Posted 4:05 PM, 01.01.2021
by Kristin Saban
This past year is certainly one that will not be soon forgotten. The obstacles and hurdles of 2020 have been well documented. Despite this, it has been this administration’s desire and goal to continue to move our city forward. Indeed, it has been our continued purpose to foster an environment in which our City continues to grow and evolve in the 21st century. While we will continue to meet the challenges 2020 has presented head on, we also believe it is just as critical to embrace success and celebrate accomplishments. One initiative that embodies this is Mayor Biasiotta’s Business of the Month Program, realized early on within the new Administration. While it is unquestionably the residents that form the foundation of any city, the businesses within the community provide an avenue for cities to move forward. Therefore, it was an early priority within this Administration to make this idea into a reality.
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Volume 12, Issue 12, Posted 11:20 AM, 12.01.2020
by Bob Wrobel
Issue 41 will ask Seven Hills voters to approve, or not, a proposed 1.4 mil “additional tax” for the purpose of parks and recreation. This tax will provide a continuing revenue stream essential for the operations, upkeep, and improvements to our six parks and our Community Recreation Center, as well as for recreational programs.
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Volume 12, Issue 10, Posted 11:59 PM, 09.30.2020
by Tony Biasiotta
Earlier this year my administration put together a Water Management Task Force. We felt that it was time to bring relevant people into one room to address, what in some cases, has been a decades long problem. This approach is consistent with how we have addressed important issues over the last few years; perform due diligence to identify the root issues and bring in subject matter experts to provide guidance.
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Volume 12, Issue 9, Posted 8:33 AM, 09.01.2020
by Tony Biasiotta
Happy Summer! I hope this summer season you have been able to take a break from the challenges 2020 has presented us and focus on all of the wonderful things that come with the season. When I took the oath of office about seven months ago our plans for 2020 were quite different. On one hand the time has passed in a blink of an eye yet at times it seems it was an eternity ago. I am sure my experience this year is not unique.
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Volume 12, Issue 8, Posted 7:34 PM, 08.04.2020
by Kathy Holland
Hello Summer in North East Ohio! Farmers Markets are identified as an essential business that may be open with the required safety and social distancing guidelines in place. Although many traditional summer events in our corner of Ohio have been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, Seven Hills residents and neighbors can still look forward to getting their fresh, locally grown produce and other products at the Seven Hills Farmers Market. The Seven Hills Farmers Market will be opening Thursday, July 2 at 4:00 pm and continuing every Thursday until October 1, 2020.
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Volume 12, Issue 7, Posted 10:47 AM, 07.01.2020
by Kathy Holland
The City of Seven Hills Farmers Market will open at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 11, 2019 and continue every Thursday through September 26th, 4-7 p.m., at the corner of Hillside Road and Broadview Road. For most of us, there’s no better place to buy fruits and vegetables than at a farmers market. Markets offer food of superior quality and help support locally owned smaller-scale farms. A weekly trip to the Seven Hills Farmers Market is a perfect opportunity to learn more about how and where the food you are purchasing is grown and harvested. Meeting and talking to the farmers is a great way to learn about sustainable growing techniques plus obtain some free advice on cooking tips and meal ideas. As the saying goes, "know your farmer, know your food." The same can be said for the other artisans that are vendors at the market. Any one of them will be happy to share how they create swoon-worthy bakery, syrup, jams, healthy-for-you skincare products, pet treats, and more! Take this wonderful opportunity to savor the diversity that our vendors bring.
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Volume 11, Issue 6, Posted 4:52 PM, 06.03.2019
by Tony Biasiotta
Hard to believe we are already in the month of April! The Cleveland Indians are playing ball and flowers are starting to bloom. The same can be said for several projects in Seven Hills. Our EPA mandated Hemlock Project is already at full steam and will be completed this year. The 305 homes that are part of this project are the last in Seven Hills to move from septic tanks to City sanitary sewers. The long-awaited water main replacement on Mapleview Dr.and East Hill Circle will be getting started soon. Upon completion, we plan to resurface both streets in their entirety.
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Volume 11, Issue 5, Posted 7:35 AM, 05.01.2019
by Tony Biasiotta
Last month, I had the pleasure of sharing with you the 'progress' of a few large developments and many new partnerships that Seven Hills has recently entered into. This month I'm excited to announce some community pride.
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Volume 11, Issue 3, Posted 10:23 AM, 03.01.2019
by Tony Biasiotta
It is amazing how fast a year can go. I have just started my 2nd year as Seven Hills Council President, but it feels like the November 2017 election was just last week. When I look back at the year I can’t help but say it is amazing what can be accomplished when you don’t worry who gets the credit! If I had to succinctly define 2018 for the City of Seven Hills, I would choose the words “Partnerships” and “Progress”.
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Volume 11, Issue 2, Posted 10:35 AM, 02.01.2019
by Kathy Holland
The City of Seven Hills Farmers’ Market 2018 season opened on Thursday, June 28th, 4PM at 7221 Broadview Road in Seven Hills, with plenty of free parking and fabulous vendors! Each Thursday Market features neighborhood farmers, producers, and artisans who grow and/or produce their own goods. Enjoy food trucks? Save the date to grab dinner from Barrio Food Truck on Thursday, July 12th and Swenson’s Food Truck on Thursday, August 9th. Kona Ice Truck will also be stooping by on select Thursdays! Additionally, there will be three wine events, hosted by The Little Birdie Wine Nest on July 12th, August 9th and September 13th.
About the Market The City of Seven Hills Farmers’ Market began in 2014 as a way to bring residents and the local surrounding communities together each week to shop for locally produced items and for the freshest, locally grown food available. Now entering its fourth season, the Market continues to give friends and neighbors the opportunity to visit together in the fresh air while listening to live music and browsing through vendor stalls featuring fresh produce, vegetables, microgreens, fruits, perennials, herbs, meats, honey, nuts, soup, bread, jam, maple syrup, pierogis, coffee, baked goods, kettle corn, soap, pastry and more! The Seven Hills Farmers’ Market is an open and flexible market, allowing vendors to join at any time and for as many weeks as fits their schedule. This means the Seven Hills Farmers’ Market might have an unanticipated guest vendor next to weekly favorites!
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Volume 10, Issue 7, Posted 3:13 PM, 07.01.2018
by Kathy Holland
The Seven Hills Farmers’ Market is not just about locally grown, farm-fresh produce, delicious baked goods, meat, snacks, local honey, health and wellness items, flowers and plants. It is also a gathering place with a vibrant crowd of locals, live entertainment, and monthly special events.
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Volume 9, Issue 10, Posted 8:42 AM, 10.05.2017
by Kathy Holland
The 2017 City of Seven Hills Farmers’ Market, sponsored by Taleris Credit Union, Inc., will open on Thursday, June 29th, 4:00 -7:00PM. The Market is located at the corner of Hillside Road and Broadview Road adjacent to Fire Station No.1, 7195 Broadview Road, Seven Hills. 44131. There will be giveaways and musical entertainment by Gwendolyn.
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Volume 9, Issue 6, Posted 8:51 AM, 06.02.2017
by Richard Dell'Aquila
Seven Hills city council is considering a charter amendment for the May ballot to expand the mayor’s position to fulltime with a substantial salary increase and benefits package beginning in the next term on December 10, 2019. While I agree that the increasing complexities of serving as the city's CEO clearly demand a full time administrator, I have asked Council to instead ask the voters to convert to a city manager form of government, rather than to a full time mayor. Here are just a few of my reasons.
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Volume 9, Issue 2, Posted 11:22 PM, 03.01.2017
by Kathy Holland
The 2016 City of Seven Hills Farmers’ Market, sponsored by Taleris Credit Union, Inc., opened on June 30, 2016. The Market is located at the corner of Hillside Road and Broadview Road adjacent to Fire Station No. 1. The City of Seven Hills Farmers’ Market will continue to provide a place for farmers, backyard gardeners and home food producers a location to sell their items and a place to connect with our wider community. Please shop our Farmers’ Market every Thursday, now through September 29th from 4-7PM.
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Volume 8, Issue 7, Posted 12:39 PM, 07.01.2016
by Irene D Toth
Emily Duff lived in the Froehlich House on Broadview Road from the day of her birth on June 24, 1902 until her death on January 5, 2006. Her parents Emma and Conrad Apel bought the house from the Froehlich Family in 1896. It had been built by the John Froehlich in 1843. Although the kitchen and bathroom were upgraded, the home retained its character of an earlier day. The original white wainscoting extended around the walls of the rooms. The floors were wide, random-width pine. Crisp, white Priscilla curtains covered the original windows, with their twelve lights. Large quarry stones made up the floor of the cellar. On one side of the cellar, steps led to a door at ground level. This was used to roll down barrels which carried supplies that were stored in the cellar.
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Volume 8, Issue 1, Posted 11:49 PM, 01.03.2016